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Ronald Tree Nursery School

Ronald Tree Nursery School

Child Protection, Safeguarding and Whistleblowing

Safeguarding Statement

Everyone at Ronald Tree is committed to keeping every child safe. 

If we have any concerns we will share them with parents/carers as early as possible. We are obliged to pass on information and involve relevant services if we believe a child is at risk of harm.

If you have any concerns about a child please speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Deb Thwaites or the Deputy Safeguarding Leads, Christine Whitney or Mel Perkins on 01536-514240.

Safeguarding number for referrals is 0300 126 7000.

Above: Ronald Tree Safeguarding Team: Mel Perkins, Chris Whitney and Deb Thwaites



We are committed to the highest possible standard of operation, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment, staff, governors, contractors, volunteers, and parents with serious concerns are encouraged to come forward and voice those concerns. Where the concern relates to a member of staff, contractor or volunteer please speak to the head teacher, Deb Thwaites as soon as possible (via the school office on 01536 514240). In the event that the concern relates to the head teacher please speak to the Chair of the Governing Body, Nikki Glazebrook, who can also be contacted via the school office (01536 514240).