Welcome Back to Nursery

Welcome back to the Autumn Term!
Thank you to all our parents for choosing to send your children to Ronald Tree Nursery School. We are looking forward to hearing all about how you have spent the summer, and getting to know all the new children and their families.
Whilst we are pleased to welcome parents back into the school when dropping off your child we are asking you to use hand gel when you enter and to wear a mask to help prevent the spread of Covid 19. Children will be brought out to parents at the end of their sessions.
Please make sure your child has suitable clothes for the weather each day; we use our outside areas every day. Please put sun cream on your child before they come to nursery if it is sunny. Please make sure you have put your child's name in all items of clothing including shoes, wellies, coats and hats.
Thank you for helping to keep all our children, staff and families safe and well.