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Ronald Tree Nursery School

Ronald Tree Nursery School


Updated Government Advice 17th March 2020

The government has recommended that those with serious health conditions should be shielded from social contact, but, has not closed schools. This is partly because scientific evidence suggests that younger children are less vulnerable to the effects of the virus than older adults.

To try and slow down the spread of the virus, if you or your child has a new, persistent cough and a temperature over 37.8oC you are now required to self-isolate all your family in your home for 14 days. The 14 days starts from the day the first person in the house became ill.

Good hygiene remains the most effective way of avoiding spreading the virus. Please support your children to use tissues and throw them away and to wash their hands thoroughly afterwards and then regularly throughout the day. The school adopted increased sanitisation routines before the half term to protect everyone. These routines will continue throughout the current situation.

If government advice about keeping schools open changes, or if we need to close or partially close the school for any other reason (e.g. not enough staff to fully open to all children), we will put information on this website, on our school Facebook page and via your child’s Tapestry account.

In the event of a school closure we will provide activities for you to do with your child using Tapestry. These will help to continue their development ready for school, and will enable you to upload photos and comments on their progress. Please make sure that you can access your child’s Tapestry account now. If not, please talk to Mandy or Claire on 01536-514240 as soon as possible.